StayCALM Apps LLC 应用

HearSay - Pronounce English 2.4.2
HearSay helps you improve yourAmerican-English pronunciation.Using HearSay is easy - it will speak some words that appear on thescreen, the user repeats them into the microphone, and then listensto both pronunciations.It was designed with help from professors of English as a SecondLanguage – ESL, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL), and English for Academic Purposes - EAP.Listening to a recording of your own voice is a fast way to changehow you sound. With practice, your accent will become like theaccent in the recordings. A few minutes a day will make your verbalcommunication easier.There is no perfect accent, but there are degrees of frustrationthat accompany heavy accents that are influenced by anotherlanguage. The only way to improve is to exercise. The change isgradual, and takes effort.There is an American accent called “neutral” or “Broadcast”accent which is widely accepted as the closest that we have to astandard. This app is not intended for Americans who have aregional accent - southern, or New England. These accents areconsidered charming, and communication is still fluid with otherAmericans who speak with a different accent. We are aiming athelping people who have difficulty understanding, and beingunderstood.The Canadian accent is quite similar to American. This app can beused by those seeking to communicate fluidly with Canadians. It'snot about the subtle difference in pronunciation, it's about easycommunication.This app currently has 50 “phrases” in the Basic phrase pack.Some of these are not really phrases, but words with similar, orcontrasting sounds. They exercise the 14 different vowel sounds inEnglish, and a few of the other common problem areas. You can makea lot of progress working with just these sounds.There is an Advanced Phrase Pack that has the most common soundsthat non-English speakers have trouble with. There is a small feeto use the Advanced Phrase Pack.You can practice them in order, or allow HearSay to pick themrandomly. You can repeat the previous phrase over and over untilyou are satisfied that you are close to the recorded accent.There is also a Hands-Free mode that will go to the next phraseautomatically until you turn it off.The quality of the sound depends on the quality of your phone ortablet. Using earphones or a headset may improve theexperience.We appreciate your feedback. If you have any suggestions for thedevelopers, please feel free to let us know. And especially yoursuccess stories - we want to hear them!Dr. Colin ArchibaldDr. Lisa
My Bowling Scores 6.2
Keep track of your personal bowling scores, and see a history ofyour games, along with a running average. This is an easy-to-usebowling score keeper. Watch the progress of your average, and shareyour scores through social media. A Summary screen shows youraverage, count of games entered, and high and low scores. Enter asmany games as you want. If you play 4 or 5 games at a time, the appallows this. To enter more than 3 games, save the first 3, and thenenter 1, 2, or 3 more games using the same date. It will calculateyour running average based on any number of games played, and willnot include scores left empty (or 0) in your average. Share yourscores by Twitter, Email, Text messages, or Google+. You can useany of these that you have installed on your phone. You can edit ordelete scores by tapping on a row in the table of scores. Swipeback and forth to move to the Enter Scores, View Scores, andSummary screens. That's really all the app does. It will not takemore than a minute to start using this app. Using the menu, you canbackup your scores to the external storage of your device. There isa menu item to restore them as well. This allows you to move yourscores to a new device. You can also keep a backup of your scoresin your favorite Spreadsheet on your PC or Mac. After you Exportyour scores, you can connect your device to your computer as aMedia Device. Your scores can be found in the file:Android/data/com.valenciaprogrammers.mybowlingscores/files/MyBowlingScores.csv(I know that looks awkward, but that's where Google asks us to putfiles.) The maximum score you can enter for a bowling game is 450.This allows Canadian 5 Pin bowlers to use this App. This app can beused without connection to the internet. That permission isrequested for when you choose to email your scores, and for anadvertisement that appears. This app does not collect anyinformation from the users. That's the 'privacy policy' - we don'tcollect any thing to keep private. Look for our other app called"Our Bowling Scores," an app that allows you to keep track ofmultiple bowlers / leagues. Please rate My Bowling Scores, and letus know if you have any suggestions that you would likeimplemented.